Donnerstag, 27. September 2012

Day 21: A picture of your favorite book

Day 21: A picture of your favorite book

I don't like the cover but the book is awesome! ♥

Dienstag, 25. September 2012

Day 20: A picture that makes you smile

Day 20: A picture that makes you smile

Not an easy choice because there were many moments and of course many pictures that make me smile. But I choose this one. It's form France in 2011 and this day was just so funny. :D after that my camera broke but well. :D a friend of mine repaired it! 
And this picture is so out of focus because of the sand :) 

Montag, 24. September 2012

Day 19: A picture of something you wish you could change

Day 19: A picture of something you wish you could change

There isn't that much I wish I could change (what's actually good to say) but there's definitely one thing. Sometimes I hate being that lazy all the time. For example when I have to study for school I always do it (if I do it at all) one day before the exam. Or when I have to clean my room I don't do it until walking is kinda impossible. :D in these moments things like laying in the bed and reading a book or something like that are way more interesting than anything else . 

So here's the picture that shows my laziness. 

Sonntag, 23. September 2012

Day 18: A picture of a place you'd like to visit before you die.

Day 18: A picture of a place you'd like to visi before you die

First of all I want to say sorry for not posting any photos in the last 2 days but I hadn't any time at all. But here's today's picture. :)
As some of you may know ( I also mentioned it in the post of Day 14) I want to visit the UK at any rate. So it's almost clear that I definitely want to visit London someday. :)

Donnerstag, 20. September 2012

Day 17: A picture of you when you were little.

Day 17: A picture of you when you were little

Is this cute or what?

Mittwoch, 19. September 2012

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you

As some of you may know, I love writing text and especially poems. And Philipp Poisel does inspire me so much. Because his texts are always so authentic and everything he sings and writes about is true and happend to him. 
So I choosed him as person that inspires me :) 

Dienstag, 18. September 2012

Day 15: A photo of the person you couldn't imagine your life without.

Day 15: A photo of the person you couldn't imagine your life without.

 MY MOM! Thanks for being there for me all the time. 
 (sorry for not posting a "real" picture of her but I didn't knew if she would agree or not.)

Montag, 17. September 2012

Day 14: A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Day 14: A picture of something you want to do before you die

So heres a picture of something I really wanna do before I die - I wanna see Ireland or England or some of that countries that belong to the United Kingdom. I don't know why. Maybe because I kinda love the language or stuff. And that nature is really amazing (definitely on that photos I saw). I can't tell. But it's absolutely something I want to do SOO BAD befor I die! Fingers crossed it'll become real someday. 

Sonntag, 16. September 2012

Day 13: A picture of your favorite artist or band.

Day 13: A picture of your favorite artist or band

This woman has such a great voice. Like powerfull and soft at the same time. and her technique is soo good (I think I need a lot of practice :D ) 
Except her, I really do like Ed Sheeran (but I already posted a picture of him for this project). And Clueso and Philipp Poisel, because their texts are just like so freaking good. 
Go practicing now. See ya :D 

Samstag, 15. September 2012

Day 12: A picture of something you love

Day 12: A picture of something you love
I really really love sunsets and that beauty of nature. The moments when you just realize how wonderful nature is and how perfect even the littlest things are thought-out. Like the littlest things become big because they're so amazing and you learn to really appreciate them.
But enough philosophizing about life for today. Here's the photo I choosed.

Freitag, 14. September 2012

Day 11: A picture of something you hate.

Day 11: A picture of something you hate

Being sick really sucks. And I'm (What are the odds!) sick today. I hope I will get well soon to make some new photos for the project. 

Donnerstag, 13. September 2012

Day 10: A picture of the person who has got you through the most in life

Day 10: A picture of the person who has got you 
through the most in life

I love you, girls ♥

Mittwoch, 12. September 2012

Day 09: A picture of the person you do the strangest things with.

Day 09: A Picture of the person(s) you do the strangest things with

These three girls are the craziest I've ever known :D We do always have fun by doing or imagining crazy things or stupid stuff. Like being in a completely foreign city, knowing no one, and sitting in bus next to a stanger sticking your face almost one centimeter next to his face. 
(I think nobody will laugh by reading this but well - it was just awesome imagining it with these girls. And by now (if you didn't before) you will think that I'm completely crazy and stuff like that. That's just me :D ) 


Dienstag, 11. September 2012

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh. 

This one is from my Summer Camp 2011. It always makes me laugh. It's just how horrible and awesome at the same time we look in what we're doing. And how we all totally look like crap :D 
But nevertheless, I do like it. 

Stay tuneeeeeeed :) - for 22 more pictures.  

Montag, 10. September 2012

Day 7: A picture of your most prized possession

Day 7: A picture of your most prized possession

Maybe somebody else would post a picture of a jewellery or a heirloom but after thinking about what to post today I realized that there's nothing material that I can (or want to) call my most prized possession. Because there is so much more in life that is a lot more precious that a necklace or something like that.
Two things in this post today: 

1. My FAITH. I think this is what I can call the most precious and most prized possession of mine. That I can be a child of god and can be sure to be loved by him. 
Vicarious for that, I choosed the picture with the ring. It's my favorite ring and the footsteps remind me of a story I heard long time ago (It's called "Footprints in the sand"). It's about how Jesus is there for the ones who believe in him. And the book, in which the ring is, is my bible. 

2. My best friend's and my FRIENDSHIP. Because no one could ever take it away. It's too special for me, I never had a friend like him (Thank you for everything :) Big HUG!). 
That picture you can see is now one year old and we both do not look very pretty! :D 

Hope you're still enjoying my littel project. Stay tuned. 

Sonntag, 9. September 2012

Day 6: A picture of the person you would want to trade places with for one day

Day 6: A picture of the person you want to take place with for one day.
All in all I'm very happy with my life and I love being myself. So, to be honest, there's no one I would relly want to trade place with for one day. But if I'd had to it would be some kind of a musician. Because I often thought about how their life is like. 
So vicarious for that musician, here's a picture of Ed Sheeran. Because I really love his music! 

stay tuned - for the next 24 days of pictures :) 

Samstag, 8. September 2012

Day 5: A picture of your night

Day 5: A picture of your night

Chillin' on the sofa aftter coming home last night. 
Sorry for that horrible image quality. Just my phone camera. 

Freitag, 7. September 2012

Day 4: A picture of your favorite memory

Day 4: A picture of your favorite memory

 My Group at the last summer camp. They were awesome. And I miss every single one! ♥

Donnerstag, 6. September 2012

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite TV show

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite TV show

Hopefully everyone of you will know them! Because they're absolutely amazing! I do no watch a lot of TV but when I do, I'm watching this! Saw every single episode (from season 1 up to 8) and loved every single one! Because this is the only TV show, that hits that point between funny and too funny, serious and too serious perfectly! Really loving it! GO WATCH IT, GUYS!

Mittwoch, 5. September 2012

Day 2: A photo of you and the person you've been closest with the longest.

Day 2: A photo of you and the person you've been closest with the longest.

So, heres a picture of the person, I've been (and I still am) closest with the longest (maybe some of you know her from a couple of posts (like this one :))). My Neighbour, my childhood friend and my little sister. For 11 years now - and hopefully for many more.♥
Perhaps I should mention that the picture is now one and a half years old. Neither her nor me look like this anymore :)

Dienstag, 4. September 2012

Day 1: A picture of you with 15 facts.

Day 1: A picture of you with 15 facts.

I’m a big dreamer.
I’m really short.
I love singing.
I’m addicted to nail polish.
I want to have a helix piercing – but I’m a coward.
I love writing poems, but a lot of them are just half finished.
I feel naked without my ring.
I often want to lose weight – but I fail every time.
In a conversation I'm the one who is talking almost the whole time.
I’m into romantic movies … and love songs.
I always establish new running gags between me and my best friend.
I worry a lot about how my friends feel – sometimes I feel worse than they do.
I’m average in school.
I’m a “wanna-become-better” thinker.
I’m religious. And I always hope know I’m not the lord of my life – Jesus is J.

Challenge accepted!

Hey ihr Lieben.
Weil ich ja in letzter Zeit so unregelmäßig gebloggt habe, möchte ich das ändern. Und zwar habe ich gestern eine ziemlich coole challenge gefunden, bei der ich gerne mitmachen möchte. Sie heißt: 30 Days of Pictures.
Ich werde also, wie der Name schon sagt, jeden Tag, einen Monat lang immer ein Bild und einen kleinen Text zu einem bestimmten Thema hochladen. Das kann dann ganz unterschiedlich lang werden. Und vielleicht kommt auch mal an einem tag kein Foto, aber dann hole ich das nach.
Übrigens: ich habe mich dazu entschieden, die challenge in englisch zu machen. Ich find das einfach schöner. Sie kommt aus dem Englischen und ich möchte das gerne so beibehalten. Und ich mag Englisch :D

Also. Packen wir's. AB HEUTE - 30 TAGE
Ich hoffe, euch gefällt die Idee genauso gut wie mir :) Lasst mir euer Feedback da :)

Alles Liebe, 

Samstag, 1. September 2012

Beauty of Nature.

Die Natur mit all ihrer Pracht...

... ist die Vorstufe zum Himmel! 
- Franz Schmidberger


Hey ihr Lieben,
ich melde mich dann auch nochmal zurück . :)
Tut mir echt Leid, dass ich erst jetzt wieder poste. Dazu werde ich jetzt wahrscheinlich auch erstmal nur noch am Wochenende kommen. Die Schule hat wieder angefangen und jetzt wirds ernst. Alles Noten, die ich jetzt schreibe, fließen in mein Abi mit ein. Deswegen wird wahrscheinlich nicht mehr so regelmäßig was kommen. Mal sehen. Je nachdem, wie es grade zeitlich und schulisch passt. 
Die Fotos von Meer, der Frosch und der Sonnenuntergang sind übrigens noch aus dem Urlaub (ich hatte ja gesagt, ich poste noch ein paar. Vielleicht mach ich das jetzt auch nach und nach noch weiter. Hab auf jeden Fall noch ein paar. Mal schauen.). Die beiden Bilder vom Wald hab ich heute gemacht. In einem kleinen Kletterwald. Ich hoffe sie gefallen euch.

Alles Liebe,